Thursday, July 19, 2012

Teen Wolf: Season 1 Review

Ever have one of those shows that you just think are going to be horribly lame before you even see it?  I mean…the show is called Teen Wolf and it’s on MTV, it already has two strikes against it.  But being the responsible reviewer (and well…I was just bored) I gave it a shot…and you know what? This is really, really good!!  I was hooked from the start.

The first thing you can’t help but feel from the show is how much it’s like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I’m not saying it’s coping that great series, it just shares many of the elements that made that show great.  Strong characters, witty dialogue and some fantastic plot twists in a carefully woven story.  Yes there is romance and drama, but like Buffy it’s all balanced perfectly with a lot of great action sequences.  My biggest fear was that the romance between two of the main characters would come off corny, cringe-worthy, Twilightish.  Thankfully, it’s not.  It’s a bit more on the realistic side in how the characters react to the situations presented for them.

Story wise…well, it’s about a teen that gets turned into a Werewolf and falls in love…the twist?  His girlfriend is the daughter of a man who also happens to be the guy in charge of a bunch of werewolf hunters.  And that’s just the start of the complications…I won’t go into the details but let’s just say there are more than werewolves in town. (no, not vampires)

Over-all….I was greatly impressed with this series. It has fantastic special effects and presentation and characters that are very easy to get into right from the start. Characters that seemed shallow at first you discover have so much more underneath.  It’s fantastic and really I would consider equal to my enjoyment I felt watching Buffy.  This is a must watch and season 1 is currently on Netflix streaming.

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