Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man Review

Spider-man has always been my favorite Marvel superhero in the comics.  They always combined the perfect amount of humor, drama and action.  The previous films tried to capture those elements with mixed results.  So when I heard Spider-Man was being rebooted I had high hopes that they could finally get the character right.  And they partially did.

The first thing you notice about The Amazing Spider-Man is that the film is highly centered on the origin story again.  This probably wasn’t the best approach as we had already seen the origin story in the previous films and though there were some changes it’s pretty much the same thing.  Focusing so much on the origin of the hero tended to make the pacing of the film feel inconsistent and often times too slow.  Thankfully the character interactions really helped those slow times still feel entertaining for the most part, but a little more action would have greatly helped this films pacing problems big time.  Cutting the origin story down a little would have been a good idea.

Speaking of action it looked GREAT.  Seeing Spidey swinging and flipping around was much more exciting than in previous films and fighting a villain that had superior strength (A giant lizard man) was a lot of fun.  The romance between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy was also pretty enjoyable and humorous.  Speaking of humor…they finally got Spider-Man right for once.  In this film the webslinger is much more funny and slings just as many jokes as he does webs.  Which is a good thing because the tone of the film is a bit darker than the average Spidey comic.

Overall this was a pretty good film with great action and fun characters but the pacing of the film and too much focus on Peter Parker himself really kept it from being GREAT.  It may not have been the perfect Spider-Man film (guess we’ll have to wait for Marvel Studios to get back the rights and make one themselves) it’s still one I enjoyed a bit more than the previous attempts.  Also, the 3D was actually really good and worth the price of admission. 

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