Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau Review

Let me just start by saying I’m not really into films that center around romance. Unless of course there’s a healthy dose of gunplay or swords flying around. And when I read about this film and heard the center of the story was the relationship between a politician and a dancer I was sure I was going to hate it. But I forced myself to check it out purely because I was curious of the overlaying plot beyond merely the romance itself.
You see, apparently our world is controlled by a group of entities which control all the major decisions people make in their lives. They are not so much mystical as they are extra-dimensional humanoids who are not all that different from us in appearance and dress. Using books that they carry they are able to see the life plan that is mapped out for each person that these guys follow.

Well, something happens and a particular politician ends up meeting a girl in a situation that was not meant to happen. This event created a divergence in the man’s outlined plan for his life. The Adjustment Bureau then takes great steps, using all their power to keep the two apart in order to ensure he stays on the pre-written plan for his life.

The Adjustment Bureau is a fairly unique film that’s presented well and strongly acted. The two leads have perfect chemistry, a vitally important element that could easily have broken this film had they casted the film wrong. The director struck a fantastic balance between fascination with this world within a world, action sequences and the romantic plotline.

If you were hesitant about this film the same as me, I would recommend giving it a try. It was a surprise hit for me and I believe anyone who can open their minds to the “out there” plotline of beings dressed like something out of Casablanca who control our lives, then you will find a very enjoyable and imaginative film that doesn’t come around Hollywood very often.


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